Can Photographs Change the World?

    Can Photographs change the world? I think that photography has a big part in this world. If there weren't photographs people wouldn’t understand what they were reading. Photographs have been found not only in newspapers, magazines, books, but also on billboards, fast food places, restaurants, and so much more. This can help someone who is new to the country and doesn't know much of the language or they don’t know what the food is. A photo can educate them way more than just reading words. This photo below is a photo from 9/11. There are people running away from the pile of smoke coming from the twin towers. Even though I was very young at the time I couldn’t believe my eyes that something like this had happened. And every 9/11 everyone would remind each other of that horrible day. It was so sad and so many people passed away. I think that this really affected a lot of people. Not only people who were there but also the families, friends of those people. Just knowing if someone was to have gone out that day can really affect so many people.

By Kelly Price

    The photo below is called "Fire Escape Collapse". It was taken at the exact moment everything happened. The photo was taken in 1975. The photographer said “I was shooting pictures as they were falling—then I turned away." The one girl on the top was only 2 years old while the one on the bottom was 19. The 19 year old did not make but the 2 year old did. This was something that affected many people, because of this incident the country made tougher fire escapes. 
By Stanley Forman

    When watching the TED talk with Johnathan Klein of Gettyimages it really had me thinking. Johnathan says, " Did the image change the world? No, but it did have a major impact." The image is just there it isn't taking much action. It is the people and how they use the image. Another thing he said was " We all have a choice, we can look away or we can address the image." It could maybe just depend on the image and how powerful it can be but it still takes people to do an action. Another video that I went through was John Nordell's Can Photos Change The World?. He says " You often hear the phrase, a photo's worth a thousand words, that's true." This shows that photographs can show more that words. pictures can give more words than anything else. 

Finally, reading the article "Censorship of war casualties in the US"  it says, "None of the pictures appeared in the United States. The story lasted one day." This proves that photos have a big impact in the world. Photos sometimes can prove things that words can't. Without photos nobody will believe or think something happen if there is no visual proof. The last article I read was Ferguson’s citizen journalists revealed the value of an undeniable video. It says, "Cameras could both protect the police officers who are doing their jobs from unfounded accusations, and deter them from abusing their power." This shows that photographs can prove more than anything that someone would say.


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