Photojournalism and Bias


Photo By: Ed Clark

When I saw this photograph for this photograph that Ed Clark made. I saw so much emotion just in one photo. Just by seeing the photo I knew it wasn't staged. When I saw the photo before reading I thought it was something very emotional that was happening in that area. He was playing the music and he couldn't hold his emotions out. According to Professor Nordell in his Photojournalism and Bias Part 1 video he said, "their was bias by a photographer trying to get a certain image and a certain emotion." This photo is bias because the photographer wasn't purposely trying to take the photo. Everything happened and he just took the photo. In The Free Dictionary it says that bias is "A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment."

Texture- The texture in the photograph is the tear falling on the man's face. You see it is wet. Another texture is the instrument. You can feel the design on the instrument.

Rule of Thirds- The photograph has rule of thirds because the man crying is the on the side and not in the middle. And he is the first person that our eye catches. That is what the Rule of Thirds does. 

Subject's Expression- There is a lot of different facial expressions. Just because there is nobody who has a similar face expression. It proves that there is staging in the photo. It is all real and was caught at that point. 

Photo by: Nick Ut

In the image above, it represents truth to me. This image has true emotions of children running away from "a napalm bombing in South Vietnam received wide circulation and provided further proof of the grim injustices of the war. The image had a huge impact, fueling more protest and contributing to the end of the war." In the video, I want to live, Shahidul Alam says  “A story has many truths at many levels.” I believe there is more than on truth in this photograph. 

Subject's Expression- The Children's expression is sadness and scared. This expression shows where the photograph is going. 

Is the Image Black & White or Color?- The photograph is Black & White. I think that if there wasn't black and white he photo wouldn't be as emotional as it really was. I think black and white helps the viewer see the true picture and not just the color. 

Texture- The texture seems to be rough and wet. The street has a few wet mark here and there and the grass and bushes look rough. The black and white shows the texture more. 

Photo by: Unkown

In the image above, it represents not truth to me. This image was supposed to be a boy laying next to "his deceased parents' grave in Syria turned out to be completely staged since the kid knew the photographer and the graves did not belong to his parents." This shows that you can't trust everything you see in the internet. In the article Yellow Journalism, it says “Yellow journalism could be imaginative yet frivolous, aggressive yet self-indulgent. It advocated an ethos of activist journalism, yet did so in bursts of unabashed self-adulation." This quote shows how yellow journalism altered an image to increase sales. It is almost like what they did in this photograph they put something that wasn't true to get something out of it. From the Photojournalism and Bias Part 2, Professor Nordell says, "It is vital importance to look at the possible biases of the photojournalist creating the images". It is a good point because if you don't think about that you won't know it's true or not. Bias has a big role in photojournalism now that you think about it. 

Texture- The rock that is next to the boy look like its rough. As well as the sand it looks smooth. You can see the different texture. 

Quality of Light- In the left Photograph there is light that is coming from the side. It makes the photo look more dramatic since it isn't so bright but also noticeable.

Keep it Simple- The photograph doesn't have a lot going on. There is only one thing you see and can focus on. The boy and the two long piles of rocks. As well as the blanket is darker than anything so it catches your eye.


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